学术报告:Challenges to metallomics and analytical chemistry solutions

报告题目:Challenges to metallomics and analytical chemistry solutions

报 告 人:Prof. Ryszard Lobinski

时    间:2008年4月28日星期一下午2:00点
地    点:所张江园区行政中心多功能厅

    Prof. Lobinski在国际学术界地位较高,在IUPAC的分析化学部担任过主席,现重点研究金属组学和金属蛋白质组学。
Resume for Ryszard Lobinski
    Ryszard Lobinski graduated in 1986 from the Warsaw University of Technology (Politechnika Warszawska) from which he obtained his Ph.D. (1989) and D.Sc. (habilitation) (1994) degrees. He was a research fellow of the Max Planck Society at the Institute of Spectroscopy and Applied Spectrometry (ISAS) in Dortmund (1990) and then assistant at the University of Antwerp (U.I.A.) (1991 - 1994). Since 1994 he is a research scientist at the French National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS) and since 1999 a full (titular) professor of chemistry.
Prof. Dr. R. Lobinski leads the Group of Bio-inorganic Analytical Chemistry at the CNRS EP132 in Pau and is a part-time professor of analytical chemistry at the Department of Chemistry of the Warsaw University of Technology. He is also the codirector of the UltraTrace Analyses Aquitaine (UT2A) and the chairman of the IUPAC V.2. Commission on the Microchemical and Trace Analysis.

