ࡱ> Z\Y%` *bjbj ?&̟̟    8L ,x qT2 : P:8S$Uh XT T +T>  D < v<AT0qT,XuXDXDh nHdhY TT'X qT   Curriculum Vitae Mogens Rysholt Poulsen (1963) DANCHIP Technical University of Denmark Tel (dir.): +45 4525 5702 rsteds Plads 347 Fax: +45 4525 5722 DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby Email: mrp@danchip.dtu.dk Education: 1990: M.Sc. (Physics/Mathematics), University of Aarhus, Denmark 1994: Ph.D. (Physics), University of Aarhus, Denmark 2005: Master in Management of Technology (Executive MBA), Technical University of Denmark Professional occupation: March 2008-: Acting Director for DTU Nanotech, Technical University of Denmark March 2004-: Director for DANCHIP, Technical University of Denmark April -99: Vicedirector for COM Centret, Technical University of Denmark 1998-: Associate Professor, MIC, Technical University of Denmark 1994-98: Assistant Professor, MIC, Technical University of Denmark 1992-94: Research Assistant, Dep. Physics and Astronomy, University of Aarhus 1990-92: Associated Research Assistant at University College London, Department of Physics and Astronomy, England Latest publications: M.R. Poulsen, P.I. Borel, J. Fage-Pedersen, J. Hbner, M. Kristensen, J.H. Povlsen, K. Rottwitt, M. Svalgaard and W. Svendsen, Advances in Silica-based Integrated Optics, Optical Engineering, Volume 42, 2821-2834 (2003) M.R. Poulsen, M. Kristensen, K. Rottwitt and M. Svalgaard Advances with Silica-on-Silicon Planar Waveguides, Proceedings SPIE Photonics West, paper 4987-15 (2003) J.P. Merrison, M. Charlton, P. Aggerholm, H. Knudsen, D.P. van der Werf, J. Clarke and M.R. Poulsen, Development and applications of time-bunched and velocity-selected positron beams, Rev. Scient. Instr. 74, 3284 (2003) M. G. Dyndgaard, S. Guldberg-Kjr, C. Laurent-Lund, M. Sckerl, M. R. Poulsen and J. Hbner, Planar Waveguide Ytterbium Laser in Al-doped Germanosilicate, Proceedings Integrated Photonics Research (IPR), Paper no. IFH2, pp. 299-301 (2000) M. Sckerl, S. Guldberg-Kjr, C. Laurent-Lund, and M. Rysholt Poulsen, Loss-Less planar waveguide 1:4 power splitter at 1550 nm, Proceedings ECOC99, post-deadline, 48 (1999) M. Sckerl, S. Guldberg-Kjr, M. Rysholt Poulsen, P. Shi and J. Chevallier, Precipitate Coarsening and Self-organisation in Erbium-doped Silica, Phys. Rev. B 59, 13494 (1999) H. Bluhme, N.P. Frandsen, F.M. Jacobsen, H. Knudsen, J.P. Merrison, R. Mitchell, K. Paludan and M.R. Poulsen, Non-dissociative and dissociative ionization of CO, CO2 and CH4 by positron impact, J. Phys. B 32, 5825 (1999)     Mogens Rysholt Poulsen, Curriculum Vitae Mogens Rysholt Poulsen, Curriculum Vitae PAGE 0 Side  PAGE 1 af  NUMPAGES 2 './67VabeftùznzaTKKKh7hCJh5>*CJmHsHh75>*CJmHsHh2CJaJmHsHh2h2CJaJmHsHh7h2CJh7CJaJh7h7CJaJh7h2CJaJh7h7CJhCJmHsHh2CJmHsHh%hCJmHsHh%CJmHsHh5CJmHsHh2h25CJ aJ mHsH/7t V  \ * x 1$$`1$^``a$gd7$`1$^``a$gd $1$a$gd7 $1$a$gd2$1$a$ $1$a$gd2)    * , - 4 5 7 @ D K T V Y Z \ ~     # $ * - < [ o r t w h7hCJ h|@CJhhCJmHsHhh5>*CJmHsHhhYh|@5>*CJhhYh5>*CJh7h6CJ]h7hCJ]h7h%CJ hfCJh7h7CJ h7CJh7hCJ2 ) 3 l p w x    L N =?SUcdTUEQɽɽhzhz6CJhzhz5CJ\ hzCJ hzCJ]hzhz6CJ]hzhzCJh7h:5>*CJh7h75>*CJhl5>*CJmHsH hCJh7hCJ h7CJh7h7CJ4 cdTU $1$a$gdz$p1$^p`a$gd: 1$^`%\]dey{  糯uluhhY0J6]jhhY0J6U] hhY6]hhY0JmHnHu hhY0JjhhY0JUhhY hhY6CJhjhUhzhz5CJ\ hzCJ]hzhz6CJH*]hzhz6CJ] hzCJhzhz5CJhzhzCJ''()* $1$a$gdz$h]ha$h]h&`#$ #$%&'()* hzCJhhhY hhY6]hhY0J6]jhhY0J6U]hhY0J6]mHnHu = 00@&P P<0. A!"#$% 8@8 Normal_HmH sH tH F@F Heading 1$$1$@&a$5CJ DA@D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List 4@4 Header  9r 4 @4 Footer  9r .)@. Page Number6U@!6 2 Hyperlink >*B*ph@P@2@ : Body Text 2 B*CJph* &/7t V\*xcdTU    ' ( + 000000000000000000000000000000000000@0X00@0X00@0X00@0X00@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0X00 7bo *  * ) bikt{}!t!tt,!!l! !!!L!!!|!<!T!!!!L! !!\!!Ā!!D!!d!!!#!#!l !, !<!!!d!O¥! Eå!dĥ!4Uť!Lƥ!dMicrosoft Office Word.l WINWORD.EXEC:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\WINWORD.EXE\\dcsrv1\347-173-HPColorLaserJS 4dXXA4PRIV0''''<P4(@7<IUPHdA4 4 [none] [none]Arial4P d?MRP<Automatic>dMicrosoft Office Word.l WINWORD.EXEC:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\WINWORD.EXEcc ̂cc* P@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial?5 z Courier New;Wingdings"hݻf޻fKyfn(n(4d  2qHX?B`2Curriculum VitaeMogens Rysholt PoulsenMogens Rysholt Poulsen Oh+'0 0< \ h t Curriculum VitaeMogens Rysholt PoulsenNormalMogens Rysholt Poulsen3Microsoft Office Word@G@k@@<4n(՜.+,0 px  Mikroelektronik Centret  ' Curriculum Vitae Title  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPRSTUVWX[Root Entry Fj<]Data 1TableXWordDocument?&SummaryInformation(IDocumentSummaryInformation8QCompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q非法参数