学术报告:Ultrafast Synchrotron X-ray Phase-Contrast Imaging Study of Fluids

报告题目:Ultrafast Synchrotron X-ray Phase-Contrast Imaging Study of Fluids

报告人:Dr. Yujie Wang
(X-ray Science Division, Advanced Photon Source
Argonne National Laboratory)

报告时间:9.25 下午13:30



附件: 报告内容摘要

    Ultrafast Synchrotron X-ray Phase-Contrast Imaging Study of Fluids
                                 Yujie Wang

   X-ray Science Division, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, Illinois 60439, USA

    Fast imaging technology development in the last several decades has greatly advanced our knowledge of fluid mechanical systems. However, visible-light-based imaging techniques suffer from intrinsic limitations like strong scattering, reflection effects and have difficulty in visualizing optically opaque systems. To circumvent these limitations, for the last two years, we have developed the first ultrafast synchrotron x-ray phase-contrast imaging setup at the Argonne National Laboratory and also pioneered its application for fluid dynamics research. This new imaging technique has proven to be very suitable for fluid visualization owing to its edge-enhancement and penetration capabilities. Several applications including finite-time singularities, liquid jet breakup, and impact in granular materials will be demonstrated. Future developments and applications in other condensed matter systems will also be discussed.