学术报告:DNA Nanobiotechnology: From Biomolecular Machines to Biocomputing and Functional Nanostructure

报告题目: DNA Nanobiotechnology: From Biomolecular Machines to Biocomputing and Functional Nanostructure
报告人: Professor Itamar Willner
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

时间: 8月11日上午10:15
地点: 嘉定学术活动中心3楼大报告厅

Willner教授是国际纳米生物学领域的创始人之一. 目前已经在Science, Nature, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Materials, Nature Nanotechnology, PNAS, JACS (>100篇), Angew. Chem. (>50篇)等杂志顶级发表研究论文500余篇, 应邀撰写相关综述30余篇. 个人H-Index >70.
研究背景: Bioelectronics, Biomolecule-Based Nanocircuitry and Nanostructures, Biomolecule-Inorganic Nanostructures, DNA Machines for Biosensing, Biomolecule-Based Computing, Biomolecular Photonics, Molecular Switches and Motors, Functional Polymers.
