学术报告:Introduction to Aerosol Diffusion Simulation and and Particulate Air Quality Models (气溶胶扩散和颗粒空气质量模型的介绍)
报告主題:Introduction to Aerosol Diffusion Simulation and and Particulate Air Quality Models (气溶胶扩散和颗粒空气质量模型的介绍)(Review of basic knowledge of fluid mechanics in simulation of aerosol diffusion)
报告人:陈王琨 博士 ―台湾景文科技大学环境与物质管理系副教授
报告时间:2009年10月16日 14:00-16:30
1) Basic concept of particulate air quality management(experience in the United States and Taiwan) ((2 hours)
2 )Statistical model, source model , emission model, and receptor model(2 hours)
3 )Introduction to air quality model in the simulation of particulate concentration(2 hours)
4)Case Study : Type I. Gaussian model Type II. Trajectory model(2 hours)
5)Case Study : Type III. Grid model (2 hours)
6 )Special topic of particulate air pollution control (visibility and mecury control) (2 hours)
7 )Special topic of air pollution control (primary and secondary aerosol formation and control) (2 hours)