学术报告:High Performance Image Analysis for High Content Analysis– Case Studies and New Trends

报告题目:High Performance Image Analysis for High Content Analysis

– Case Studies and New Trends

报 告 人: Dadong Wang, PhD

Project Leader, Biotech Imaging, CSIRO, Australia

报告摘要: In this presentation, an overview of some of our research projects together with their industry applications will be provided. Some image analysis technologies and algorithms we have employed and developed will be introduced. These include automated image segmentation, feature extraction and statistical analysis, image matching and MOSAICing, stereo vision, image motion and tracking, hyperspectral imaging and graphics hardware based high performance image processing. As an example, our high-content analysis software package, HCA-Vision, will be briefly demonstrated to show how it can be used in drug discovery by pharmaceutical companies.


地 点: 张江园区办公楼101会议室
