学术报告:Recent Development in Aerosol Simulation Model – Theory and Application

题 目:Recent Development in Aerosol Simulation Model – Theory and Application
报告人:陈王琨 副教授(台湾景文科技大学)

时 间:2011. 4. 20(周三) 下午:14: 00
地 点:嘉定园区 学术活动中心 307房间

报告人简介:Wang-Kun Chen, Ph.D. is an associate professor at Jinwen University of Science and Technology, Department of Environment and Property management. He has 10 years of experience as an environmental scientist for building the mathematical model in the environmental. Dr. Chen obtained his Master of Science degree and Ph.D. of environmental engineering in Taiwan University, then Doctor of Economics in Jinan University (China). He has worked with Systems Applications Inc. (USA) in the computer programming for air quality management simulation. Also, he worked together with the Netherland Organization for Applied Scientific Research (Netherland) in the field of industrial safety and risk analysis. He has supported the Environmental Protection Agency, county agency, and private industry in Taiwan to develop the management model, risk models, physical models, and mathematical models for natural phenomenon prediction. He has also been invited as a lecture by Kitakyusyu University (Japan). His current interests are in applying the economic dynamic theory in environmental impact assessment, which includes the prediction of risk and the emergency response management for natural disaster.