学术报告:Characterization and Mitigation of COTR from Compressed Electron Beams

报告题目:Characterization and Mitigation of COTR from Compressed Electron Beams
报 告 人:Alex Lumpkin

报告题目:Microbunched Electron Beams in FELs
报 告 人:Alex Lumpkin

Member of organizing committee, Beam instrumentation workshop
Group leader of instrumentation Argonne Lab.
research interests include time-resolved imaging of particle or photon beams using a variety of interaction mechanisms, such as optical/x-ray synchrotron radiation. , undulator radiation, and the free-electron laser radiation process. In some cases both incoherent and coherent aspects of the radiation have been utilized in one way or another to measure a beam parameter. Some of these techniques have displayed the dynamics of beam instabilities elucidating the physics and/or have relevance to proposed accelerator projects such as the ILC, high-energy ERLs, and XFELs.