会议通知:Mini-Workshop on FELs

Mini-Workshop on FELs

Organized by SINAP, China and DESY, Germany,
Date:Aug.28(start at 2pm) to Aug 29
Location:Ramada Plaza Hangzhou Haihua, 298 Qingchun Road, Hangzhou

Tentative workshop schedule

Sunday Afternoon,August 28, 2011

Session I: Overview and status
14:00 Welcome (SINAP)
14:10 Status of FLASH and FLASH II Faatz (DESY)
14:30 FEL activities at SINAP (SINAP)
14:50 Fermi (Trieste)
15:10 SLAC (SLAC)
15:30 Coffee break

Session II: LLRF, beam and photon diagnostics
16:00 Seeding/synch. on SDUV/SX FEL Liu
16:25 SXFEL X-ray diagnostics Wu
16:50 FLASH: Photon beamlines and diagnostics Tiedtke
17:15 Discussion

18:30 Workshop dinner

Monday morning session, August 29, 2011

Session III: Simulations
9:00 Extraction Arc for FLASH2 Sholtz
9:20 Linac Beam Dynamics on SXFEL TBD
9:40 EEHG at FLASH and SXFEL Deng
10:30 SDUV FEL Simulations/experiments Feng
10:50 Coffee break

Session IV: Specific diagnostics
11:20 Laser synchronization Felber
11:40 Online VLS spectrometer Brenner
12:00 Coherence measurement on SDUV SINAP or Tongji
12:20 RF Links and precise RF generation Lamb

Session V: TBD
14:00 Discussions