学术报告:The science of Energy Dispersive X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (EDXAS)

报 告:The science of Energy Dispersive X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (EDXAS)
报告人:SAKURA PASCARELLI (Beamline scientist in charge of ID24 at ESRF)
时 间:2012年1月10日(星期二)上午9:30
地 点:张江园区办公楼131室

In this presentation, prof. Sakura Pascarelli will give a brief historical overview of energy dispersive x-ray absorption spectroscopy (EDXAS) with emphasys on its scientific impact. She will make an extensive overview of results obtained on the former energy dispersive XAS beamline ID24 of the ESRF. Examples cover in-situ studies of industrially relevant catalysts in real operating conditions, tracking chemical reactions that occur in the interior of planets, probing the structure of molecular solids at Megabar pressures, investigating pressure induced collapse of ferromagnetism in the 3d metals, elucidating the atomic origin of magnetostriction and magnetoelastic coupling in technologically relevant systems, and probing element-selective magnetism and spin-reorientations in ferrimagnets at 30T using pulsed magnetic fields. Finally, prof. Sakura Pascarelli will briefly introduce the upgrade programme of the ESRF.