学术报告:The technique of Energy Dispersive X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (EDXAS)

报 告: The technique of Energy Dispersive X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (EDXAS)
报告人:SAKURA PASCARELLI (Beamline scientist in charge of ID24 at ESRF)
时 间:2012年1月11日(星期三)上午9:30
地 点:张江园区行政楼131会议室

In this presentation, prof. Sakura Pascarelli will introduce the fundamental equations that link optics and detection system to the performance of the spectrometer in terms of energy resolution and energy bandwidth of the polychromatic fan. She will discuss the implications of the choice of the x-ray source on coupling optics, beam stability, focal spot dimensions, flux and energy range. In this context She will try to make an overview of the past, present and planned EDXAS synchrotron radiation facilities worldwide and briefly comment on their similarities and differences. She will also discuss the fundamental limitations of the technique, which have certainly played a role in the development of EDXAS in the synchrotron radiation community. Finally, prof. Sakura Pascarelli will conclude by giving a technical overview of the upgraded energy dispersive XAS beamline of the ESRF, ID24 (UPBL11 upgrade project) which will become fully operational in 2012.