学术报告:New exactly solvable models in the cold atomic systems

题 目:New exactly solvable models in the cold atomic systems


时 间:2012年4月20日(星期五) 上午10:00

地 点:嘉定园区学术活动中心302


In this talk, I will introduce some new exactly solvable models in the cold atomic systems. First, I introduce a SU(2)-invariant spin-1 bosons model which describing the low-density limit of the spin-1 bosons in a one-dimensional optical lattice. The exact Bethe ansatz solution shows that the low-energy physics of this system is described by a quantum liquid of spin singlet bound pairs. Motivated by the exact results, a mean-field approach to the corresponding three-dimensional system is carried out. Condensation of singlet pairs and coexistence with ordinary Bose-Einstein condensation are predicted. Then, I will introduce the integrable cold atomic models with arbitrary spin.