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报告题目: X-TRACT software for tomographic reconstruction and phase-retrieval
报 告 人:Dr. Sherry Mayo, CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering
X-TRACT software is a powerful software package for reconstruction and analysis of x-ray tomographic data. It has been parallelised to run on GPU clusters enabling great gains in speed and the ability to process larger image files. One of the unique features of X-TRACT is its ability to process phase-contrast images to improve the quality of the reconstructed data.
This workshop will focus on the practical use of X-TRACT for phase-retrieval and tomographic reconstruction of synchrotron micro-CT data. We will go through in details the steps of image pre-processing, phase-retrieval and tomographic reconstruction, giving a template that can be used for typical synchrotron datasets. This will include a comparison of working on a cluster and working locally. There will also be a quick overview of upcoming developments in X-TRACT which will make it easier to use for synchrotron CT applications.
Dr. Sherry Mayo received her Ph.D. in Physics from Oxford University in 1993. She was a Post Doctoral Research Fellow at Australian National University from 1993 to 1997. She is a Research Scientist at Materials Science and Engineering CSIRO currently working in the area of X-ray phase-contrast microscopy, microtomography, X-ray optics and instrumentation.