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报告名称:Large Scale Biomolecular Simulation with IBM Blue Gene
报 告 人:Dr. Ruhong Zhou (周如鸿)
时 间:2012年8月31日(星期五)上午10:00
地 点:嘉定园区学术活动中心307室
报告人单位:Soft Matter Theory and Simulation, Computational Biology Center, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA
Dr. Zhou is currently a Research Staff Scientist and Manager of Soft Matter Theory and Simulation, at IBM Research, and an Adjunct Professor at Department of Chemistry, Columbia University. He received his Ph.D. in chemistry from Columbia University (with Prof. Bruce Berne) in 1997. He joined IBM's Thomas J. Watson Research Center in 2000, after spending two and a half years working with Prof. Richard Friesner (Columbia Univ) and Prof. William Jorgensen (Yale Univ) on polarizable force fields. His current research interests include development of novel algorithms for computational biology and bioinformatics, protein folding dynamics, protein-protein interaction, confined water and hydrophobicity, as well as protein-nanoparticle interactions (nanotoxicity). He has published 105 peer-reviewed papers and 12 patents, and delivered 130+ invited talks worldwide. He is a Guest Editor for Nanoscale (2011) and Current Physical Chemistry (2011), and also serves on editorial boards of 5 international journals. He was elected to AAAS Fellow and APS Fellow in 2011.