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题 目:Some recent thoughts on correlations and flow
报告人:Prof. Fuqiang Wang(Purdue University, USA)
时 间:2012年10月12(星期五)日上午10:00-11:00
地 点:嘉定园区102楼202房间
Particle correlations and flow are two major topics in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. They provide different and complementary information on the dynamics of the collision. They are intimately related: flow is a background to particle correlation measurement, and in turn particle correlation is a background to flow measurement. In this talk I will discuss some recent new and not-so-new thoughts on correlations and flow in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.
Ph.D. Physics, Columbia University, 1996.
B.S. Physics, USTC, 1988.
2009-present Professor, Department of Physics, Purdue University
2005-2009 Associate professor, Purdue University
2000-2005 Assistant professor, Purdue University
1996-2000 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, LBNL
Fellow of the American Physical Society, Elected 2010
University Faculty Scholar, Purdue University, 2008 – 2013
Outstanding Junior Investigator Award, U.S. Department of Energy, 2002 - 2007
Feynman Scholarship, California Institute of Technology, 1994