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题 目:Importance of Tensor force in nuclear structure
报告人:Prof. Isao Tanihata(Osaka University, Japan)
时 间:2013年1月9日(星期三)下午3:00-4:00
地 点:嘉定园区学术活动中心307房间
Recent studies of unstable nuclei reveal complicated changes of shells in nuclei. Those changes suggest the importance of tensor force that has been left out in the basic part of the nuclear models just because it can not be described by a mean fields. I introduce new features of unstable nuclei and their relation to tensor force. Then recent experiments at Osaka to see the effect of tensor force in the ground state of a nucleus will be presented.
The Physical Society of Japan
American Physical Society, Fellow
1996-2005 Editorial board of “Journal of Physics G”
1997-1999 OECD MegaScience Forum, nuclear physics working group
1999-2000 Atomic Energy Commission basic science committee
1999-2000 OECD Global Science Forum, Radioactive nuclear beams group
2000-2003 Atomic Energy Commission, accelerator science group
2004-2007 Sub-atomic physics Experimental Evaluation Committee, TRIUMF
2008 SuperFRS Review Committee, GSI, Germany
The GSI Exotic Nuclei Community Membership Award, GSI Germany, 2000
Thousand Talent Program; China government, 2010
Humboldt Scientific Award; Humboldt foundation, Germany, 2012
Research contributions (from Web of Science):
326 publications
11288 citations
19 papers cited more than 100 times
66 papers in Physical Review letters and Physics letters