学术报告:Bioelectrochemistry at the single-molecule level

报告题目: Bioelectrochemistry at the single-molecule level

报 告 人:Professor Jens Ulstrup (Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark)

报告时间:2013年4月2日 上午10:30



The scanning probe microscopies, scanning tunnelling (STM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) enable addressing molecules on solid surfaces with a degree of detail that even reaches the single molecule directly in aqueous chemical and biological media under electrochemical control (in situ STM and AFM). Redox molecules are of particular interest but pose greater theoretical and conceptual challenges than non-redox molecules. In situ STM and AFM of biomolecules such as (metallo)proteins and DNA-based molecules pose even greater single-molecule challenges but offer in return intriguing insight in the ways these molecules operate.

Single-molecule bioelectrochemistry (metalloproteins, DNA) requires well-defined (atomically planar) electrode surfaces modified by molecular monolayers (SAMs). Such surfaces have themselves been mapped to sub-molecular resolution and disclose an intriguing variety of local environments. Structural mapping of redox metalloproteins such as blue copper, heme, and iron-sulfur proteins as well as the metalloenzymes nitrite reductase and laccase were first in focus, now followed by single-molecule electron transport and enzyme function. These efforts are presently being extended to DNA-based molecules. We shall overview some of these studies and note some observations, theoretical concepts, and some outstanding “puzzles”.


1. J. Zhang, A.M. Kuznetsov, I.G. Medvedev, Q. Chi, T. Albrecht, P.S. Jensen and J. Ulstrup, Chem. Rev. 108 (2008) 2737-2791.

2. E. A. D. Pia, Q. Chi, D. D. Jones, J. E. Macdonald, J. Ulstrup, M. Elliott, Nano Letters 11 (2011) 176-182.

3. X. Hao, J. Zhang, H. E. M. Christensen, H. Wang, J. Ulstrup, ChemPhysChem, 13 (2012) 2919 – 2924.

4. P. Salvatore, K.K. Karlsen, A.G. Hansen, J. Zhang, R.J. Nichols and J. Ulstrup, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134 (2012) 19092–19098.

CV :

Jens Ulstrup, Professor

Department of Chemistry,

Technical University of Denmark

2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Phone +45 45252359

Fax  +45 45883136

Email ju@kemi.dtu.dk

1. Education

Mag.Scient. (M.Sc) in Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, 1964

Dr.Scient, (D.Sc.), University of Copenhagen, 1981

2. Employments

National service, Nov. 1964-Jan. 1966

Assistant prof., Chem. Dept. A, DTU, 1966 and 1968-72. Associate prof. 1972-84

Professor of Inorganic Chemistry DTU, from 1984

British Council Scholar, Univ. of Oxford, England, 1966-68. Visiting Scientist, Inst. of Electrochem., Russian Acad, Sci., 1971, and 1975-78, fifteen months, Fritz-Haber-Inst. der Max-Planck-Gesells., Berlin, 1975-76, Dept. of Physics, Utah State Univ., (1987, four months). Visiting Professor, School of Chemistry , Univ. of Sydney , 2003, three months

3. Occupation

Overseas member Faraday Council, London , 1982-85.

Adv. Boards of journals, presently Bioelectrochemistry (2001-) and Langmuir (2008-). Chairman of conferences, including ESF Workshop, "Bioelectrochemistry", Copenhagen, 1996 and EUROBIC-6, Lund and Copenhagen , 2002.

Nat. Secr., ISE, 1990-1996.

Vice-chairman Section 1, 1998-2004

Nobel Committee reports 1990-91 and 1992

4. Awards

Chem FRSC (Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry), London 1986

Member of the Academy of Technical Sciences, Denmark , 1991

Member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 1992

The Carlsberg Prize for Chemistry, 2003

The Katsumi Niki Prize for Bioelectrochemistry of the ISE, 2004, 1st time awarded

Elected Fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) 2006

Julius Thomsen Medal, DTU for Meritorious Achievements in Chemical Engineering, 2007.

Over 290 research papers published, ca.7200 times cited. H index 42, and 3 books.