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报告题目:Full field electron spectromicroscopy applied to functional, nanostructured materials
报 告 人: Prof. Nick Barrett(法国 CEA Saclay研究所)
报告时间:2013年4月16日 下午14:00
The advent of intense photon sources and advanced low energy electron optics has transformed photoelectron emission microscopy (PEEM) into a powerful technique for the study of material surfaces. High lateral, wave-vector and energy resolution makes it possible to probe a wide range of electron initial states, providing information on spatial variations in the chemical, electronic and magnetic structure of nanoscale materials.
After a brief introduction to photoemission, the principles of fully energy filtered PEEM will be presented. By a combination of both direct and reciprocal space imaging the surface charge, work function, topography, chemistry and band structure can be studied. The potential of full field electron spectromicroscopy applied to functional, nanostructured materials will be illustrated by studies of the electronic and chemical structure of ferroelectric oxides and graphene.