学术报告:Nucleic Acids and Enzymes: Electrochemical Biosensors and Biofuel Cell Development

报告题目:Nucleic Acids and Enzymes: Electrochemical Biosensors and Biofuel Cell Development
报 告 人:Elena E. Ferapontova (Associate Professor, iNANO)
Elena E. Ferapontova
Associate Professor, head of the Electrochemical Nanobiosensors and Bioelectrocatalysis group
Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO), Science and Technology, Aarhus University
Gustav Wieds Vej 1590-14, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Assoc. Prof. Elena E. Ferapontova received her PhD degree in Electrochemistry from Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) in 1998. In 2000-2006 she was working as a research fellow in a number of European universities: the University of Alcala-de-Henares, Spain; Lund University, Sweden; and the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
In 2007 Elena joined the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO) at Aarhus University, Denmark. Since 2009, as associate professor, she heads the Electrochemical Nanobiosensors and Bioelectrocatalysis group. The activities of the group are aimed at electrochemistry of biological molecules and development of electrochemical enzyme and nucleic acid biosensor for food and medical analysis. Another part of the research is sustainable energy production. She authors 67 publications in peer-reviewed journals and is an associate editor of Electrochimica Acta.