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报告题目:The story of science and life of Pro. Ratnesh
报 告 人:Ratnesh (UCSD 教授)
报告时间:2013年5月9日(星期四)上午 10:00
Professor Lal is an authority on biomedical applications of atomic force microscopy (AFM) and nanoscale imaging of complex biological systems. Research in his lab involves the development of nanotechnologies for and multi-scale biophysical and system biology studies of channels and receptors. His lab also designs nanosensors and devices for biomedical diagnostics and therapeutics. Current projects include i) structure-function study of hemichannels in heart, breast and liver, ii) structure-function study of amyloid ion channels in degenerative diseases, iii)) nanomechanical properties, cytoskeletal organization and sustenance of normal and abnormal cells, iv) designing multimodal "Smart AFM" integrating AFM, Optical Tweezers, electrical recording, and single molecule microscopy, and v) designing nanodevices and BioMEMs for array-based screening of therapeutics and their delivery and tissue engineering. He has presented many international keynote lectures and his work has featured in many popular magazines and news media, including Time, Smithsonian and UPI. Professor Lal was the UTS Invited Professor in Sydney for their BioNanotechnology initiative and a New Zealand Government International Science Scholar. Professor Lal is on advisory board of several entrepreneurial companies, including RC Nano LLC and Be Green Packaging LLC. Professor Lal is an Associate Editor of the journal Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine and serves on the NIH Nano study section. In addition to seminal research publications in the field of nanomedicine, Dr Lal holds several patents based upon AFM cantilever arrays, microfluidics, optoelectronics and nanotubes for medical diagnostics and medical nanodevices, nanoscale fluid behavior and new TIRF, FRET and related optical microscopy.