报告简介: Measuring the jet properties in heavy-ion collisions provide a tomographic measurement of the medium. Tagging events with a well identified direct photon and measuring the distribution of hadrons emitted oppositely to the photon allows us to determine, both the jet fragmentation function and the back-to-back azimuthal misalignement of the direct photon and the jet. Comparing these observables measured in pp collisions with the ones measured in PbPb collisions reveal the modifications of the jet structure induced by the medium and consequently infer the medium properties. In PbPb collisions a significant energy loss (jet quenching) of the partons traversing the hot and dense medium has been observed and quantified through a variety of measurements: dijet momentum imbalance, photon-jet correlations, measurements of the fragmentation pattern and the jet shapes, charged hadron nuclear modification factors. I will review the latest results on high-pT jet physics at the LHC from both ALICE and CMS experiments. This includes precision measurements on dijet energy imbalance, jet shape and fragmentation pattern, jet nuclear modification factor, high-pT two particle correlations, and the perspectives of the different flavor jet tomography measurements.
报告人简介: Dr.Yaxian Mao is currently a research associate at Vanderbilt University in USA. She received her Ph.D in 2011 from Université de Grenoble in France with a joint PhD program with CCNU in Wuhan. She was the first and only chinese to be selected as CERN Summer Student in 2007, and she was invited to visit Nante University and participant the doctoral trainning parogram in ECT before her PhD. Since 2008, she was working at CERN on high-pT two particles correlations and coordinated one physics analysis working group in ALICE during her PhD. After her PhD she joined in CMS collaboration and work on jet structure and fragmentation measurements. Her research interest is fundamental research in experimental particle physics and high-energy heavy-ion physics, especially on high pT jet and photon physics.