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报告名称:Computer-Aided Nanoscience Research: Nanoice, Nanoclusters, and Superhydrophobicity
报 告 人:Prof. Xiaocheng Zeng (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Prof. Xiaocheng Zeng
Ameritas University Professor
Willa Cather Ameritas Professor
Educational Background
Postdoctoral Training, The University of Chicago
Postdoctoral Training, University of California at Los Angeles
Ph.D. The Ohio State University
B.Sc. Peking University
Research Interests
Computation Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Nanoscience
ABSTRACT: In this talk I shall report several research findings from my group over the past years, including: (1) New phases of low-dimensional nano-ice and ice clathrate, and helical ice. (2) Superhydrophobic phenomena at the nanoscale, e.g. Lotus effect at nanoscale. (3) Growth pattern of small-sized gold clusters and nanocatalysis. In these studies, tools of computational chemistry, including classical molecular dynamics and quantum molecular dynamics simulations are employed.