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报告题目:Investigating Anti-icing Surfaces: From Fundamentals to Applications
报告人: 王健君 研究员(中国科学院化学研究所)
Icing on solid surfaces leads to operational difficulties and high maintenance efforts for power networks, aircrafts, ships, ground transportation vehicles and house-hold refrigerators, to name but a few. In extreme cases, icing on surfaces causes disastrous events such as crash of aircrafts and collapse of power networks, which result in severe economic impact and large loss of life. This talk is going to discuss the fundamentals of the ice formation and strategies taken in my group in fighting against icing.
When the supercooling is low, it is possible to remove supercooled liquid water from the solid surfaces before the freezing occurs. For this consideration, we have investigated, on one hand, the effects of solid surfaces on the ice nucleation. On the other hand, we have fabricated surfaces, on which the condensed water could be spontaneously removed. When the supercooling is high, icing on solid surfaces occurs easily. In this case, we have designed icephobic coatings, which have a low ice adhesion and the ice formed atop could be removed by a wind action or its own gravity. Moreover, this talk will also discuss bioinspired anti-icing coatings, which are modified with anti-freezing proteins. Ice formation on such coatings is delayed and a possible mechanism will be proposed.
王健君,博士,研究员,博导。2006年在德国马普高分子研究所获得博士学位。毕业后师从Wegner教授做博士后,并于2007年5月开始在德国马普高分子所担任课题组长。2010年2月参加“引进国外杰出青年人才计划”回中国科学院化学研究所新材料实验室工作,聘为研究员。在过去几年中,申请人在高分子材料方面展开了深入系列的研究工作, 并取得了一些结果。在《Nature Materials》、《Journal of the American Chemical Society》、《Advanced Materials》、《Physical Review Letters》等学术期刊上发表了多篇研究论文。目前的研究兴趣是防覆冰涂层。