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报告题目1:International HTGR Fuel Development
报 告 人:Dr. Karl Verfondern (Research Center Jülich, Germany)
报告题目2:Modeling of Fuel Performance and Fission
报 告 人: Dr. Karl Verfondern (Research Center Jülich, Germany)
Karl Verfondern (Study of Physics, diploma at University of Bonn, 1978; PhD at RWTH Aachen, 1983) is employed at the Research Center Jülich at the Institute of Energy and Climate Research, Nuclear Waste Management and Reactor Safety. His work is dedicated to high-temperature gas-cooled reactors with respect to fuel performance and fission product release behaviour, as well as to safety aspects of hydrogen as an energy carrier and of combined nuclear/chemical systems for nuclear process heat applications. The work is mainly conducted within the frame of EU or IAEA projects.