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报告题目:Recent advances in Optofluidic lasers
报 告 人:Xudong Fan(密歇根大学)
报告时间:2013年8月22日(星期四) 上午10:00
1/2010 – present Associate professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
1/2010 – present Member of Wireless Integrated Microsensing and Systems at the University of Michigan
Associate Editor of Optics Express 2008 – present Responsible for biophotonics, optical biological and chemical sensing, and optofluidics
1st Prize of "Sensors Best Paper Award 2012" (2012)
NSF-China - Outstanding Overseas Chinese Young Scholar (2011)
Early tenure and promotion (2009)
MU Sigma Xi Excellence in Graduate Research Mentoring Award (2009)
IEEE Sensors Journal Best Paper Award (2008)
Wallace H. Coulter Early Career Award Phase II (2008)
NSF – CAREER Award (2008)
Wallace H. Coulter Early Career Award Phase I (2006)
3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award, 3M Foundation (2004, 2005, 2006)
America Chemical Society Petroleum Research Award for Junior Faculty (2006)
Circle of Technical Excellence, 3M Corporation (2004)
3M DISCOVERY Research Grant Award, 3M Corporation (2003)
Circle of Technical Excellence, 3M Corporation (2002)
3M GENESIS Research Grant Award, 3M Corporation (2001)