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报告人:Dr. Víctor Manuel Martínez Quiroga
时 间:2013年8月21日上午9:00
地 点:嘉定园区嘉定学术中心大报告厅
System codes along with necessary nodalizations are valuable tools for thermal hydraulic safety analysis. Qualifying both codes and nodalizations is an essential step prior to their use in any significant study involving code calculations. Since most existing experimental data come from tests performed on the small scale, any qualification process must therefore address scale considerations. The present presentation will describe how to integrate scaled calculations into qualification process and a methodology for qualifying NPP nodalizations with post-test simulations of experiments performed in Integral Test Facilities (ITF). Power-to-Volume Scaling, the most common scaling method applied for the design of ITF’s, will be described, and concepts like scaling effects and design effects will be presented. Finally, two scaled calculations will be shown, one related with a plant scaled-up (or Kv-scaled) calculation, and the other related with the qualification procedure described previously.
• Scaled calculations controversy
• Qualification process
Application of scaled calculations to NPP nodalizations qualification process
• Kv-scaled calculations
• Scaling effect analysis
• Design effect analysis
Power-to-Volume Scaling criterion description
Kv Scaled calculations. Application of LSTF T3-1 Test (ATWS SBLOCA) to Asco PWR NPP.
Analysis of Scaling and Design Effects in the LSTF-PKL Counterpart Test (Test G7.1 and Test 3 of OECD/PKL-2 and OECD/ROSA-2 programs)
Víctor Manuel,Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya在读博士。曾经在STNI等会议上作过20余篇报告;并参与Análisis y simulación de los experimentos OECD PKL y ROSA OECD. Aplicación a las CCNN españolas项目的研发工作;获得过Martínez, V.; Desarrollo e implementación del Test 3.1 ROSA/LSTF con código RELAP5/mod3.3; Cátedra ARGOS (CSN-UPC) Scolarship奖学金。