学术报告:Scientific results on ODE in XAS and XMCD under pressure and time resolved experiments等

报告题目1:Scientific results on ODE in XAS and XMCD under pressure and time resolved experiments

报 告 人: François Baudelet (Manager of ODE beamline, SOLEIL)

报告时间: 2013年9月17日(周二)上午9:30--11:00

报告地点: 张江科研楼503会议室

报告题目2: Technical choices, optical design and performances of the ODE beamline at SOLEIL synchrotron

报 告 人: François Baudelet (Manager of ODE beamline, SOLEIL)

报告时间: 2013年9月17日(周二)下午14:30--15:30

报告地点: 张江科研楼503会议室


Career History:

2003~ present  Beam line manager of the dispersive beam line at SOLEIL (ODE: Optic Dispersive EXAFS)

1993~2003  Manager of the dispersive EXAFS station D11 at LURE

1992~1993  Post Doc position at Max-Plank- Institut fur Mikrostructurphysik, Berlin with Dr. Prf. J. Kirschner

1991  CNRS position at the laboratoire de métalurgie Physique, Université de Nancy

Scientific field:

Solid state physics, magnetism under extreme conditions, Magnetic Circular X-ray Dichroism

Research interests:

Magnetism under high pressure; Eelectronic transition in highly correlated systems; Magneto-volumic properties; Mott-Hubbard transition