钍基核裂变能全国重点实验室 |
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报告题目: DNA Nanobiotechnology
报告人: Professor Kurt Gothelf
Professor Center for DNA Nanotechnology (CDNA) Department of Chemistry and iNANO, Aarhus University
时间: 11月4日上午10:30
地点: 嘉定学术活动中心一楼多功能厅
Kurt Gothelf received in 1995 a PhD from the University of Aarhus and was in 1998-1999 postdoc at Duke University in the U.S.. Since 2001, Kurt Gothelf been employed at the Department of Chemistry , University of Aarhus . He has been affiliated with the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center , Aarhus University , iNANO, since it was established , and he has a large number of partnerships within this center. In addition to researching , participating Kurt Gothelf in the education of students in chemistry and nanoscience .
Kurt Gothelf has published 60 articles in internationally recognized scientific journals and have been awarded two patents . In recognition for his work received Kurt Gothelf in 1997 Danish Academy of Natural Sciences PhD prize and in 2004 Torkil Holm Foundation Research Prize .