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报告题目:Surface structure of Au-Pd nanoparticles under reaction conditions
报 告 人:Beien ZHU
报告人单位: LRS UMR 7197, 3 rue Galilée 94200 Ivry France
报告时间: 2013年11月28日(周四)上午10:30—11:30
1.The knowledge of the composition and surface structure of nanoalloy particles is crucial to explain their catalytic performance.
2.the calculation of CO–Pd frequencies and IR experimental assignments ,in gold–palladium nanoalloys (with very low Pd loading), only isolated or dimer palladium could exist on the surface.
3.the adsorption energies of CO on Au-Pd (100) surfaces as a function of number of Pd and CO were calculated by DFT.