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报告题目:Theoretical X-ray Spectroscopy: DFT Cluster Studies for Systems of Catalytic Relevance
报 告 人:Prof. Dr. Klaus E. Hermann Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG
Klaus E. Hermann, Leader Theoretical Support, Inorg. Chem. Dept., Fritz-Haber Institut Berlin (Germany)
2012 - Leader Theoretical Support, Inorg. Chem. Dept., Fritz-Haber Institut Berlin (Germany)
1990 - 2011 Scientific Group Leader (C3), Theory Dept., Fritz-Haber Institut Berlin (Germany)
2002 - 2009 Head of Joint Network Center of the Berlin-Brandenburg Max-Planck institutions (GNZ)
1989 - Staff member, Physics Faculty, Free University Berlin (Germany)
1988 - 1990 Head of Department D1 (computer science and software development),
Member of the Scientific Board, Hahn-Meitner Institute Berlin (Germany)
1982 - 1988 Extraordinary / Associate Professor, Institute of Theoretical Physics,
Technical University of Clausthal (Germany)
1976 - 82 Assistent Professor / Lecturer, Technical University of Clausthal (Germany)