
报 告  1:核技术

报 告  2:核安全

报 告 人:蔡助山博士(加州大学伯克利核能研究中心)



报 告  3:核燃料循环新进技术及架构对核能持久性发展的贡献

报 告 人:蔡助山博士(加州大学伯克利核能研究中心)







2. 核安全:你邻居对它怎样看?




3. 核燃料循环的先进技术及架构:









Prof. Jor-Shan Choi (蔡助山教授)

is an Associate Director at the University of California (UC) Berkeley Nuclear Research Center (BNRC) and a retired scientist/associate at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Previously, he was a visiting professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokodai, 2012) and a project professor for the Global Center-of-Excellence Program at the University of Tokyo (Todai, 2008-2011) in Japan. Before that, Dr. Choi worked at LLNL for 21 years (1987-2008). On sabbatical leave from LLNL, he worked at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna (1998-2001); he was a Science Fellow at the Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) at Stanford University (1995-96); and he taught in the Nuclear Engineering Department at UC Berkeley (1991-93). Prior to joining LLNL in 1987, Dr. Choi had 13 years of industrial experience working for Bechtel. He has a PhD and a MS in Nuclear Engineering and a BS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from UC Berkeley. He is also a registered Professional Engineer (PE) in California.