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报告题目:CLIC project overview
报 告 人:Steinar Stapnes (CERN CLIC计划总体负责人)
CLIC (Compact Linear Collider) is a study for a future electron-positron collider that would allow physicists to explore a new energy region beyond the capabilities of today's particle accelerators. It would provide significant fundamental physics information even beyond that available from the LHC and a lower-energy linear e+/e- collider, as a result of its unique combination of high energy and experimental precision.
Within the framework of a world-wide collaboration on Linear Colliders, the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) study aims at a center-of-mass energy range for electron-positron collisions of 0.5 to 5 TeV, optimised for a nominal center-of-mass energy of 3 TeV (3 TeV CLIC). In order to reach this energy in a realistic and cost efficient scenario, the accelerating gradient has to be very high - CLIC aims at an acceleration of 100 MV/m. Superconducting technology being fundamentally limited to lower gradients, only room temperature travelling wave structures at high frequency (12 GHz) are likely to achieve this gradient.
Steinar Stapnes is Linear Collider Study Leader at CERN, with responsibilities for the CLIC and ILC research activities at the laboratory, accelerator as well as detector/physics studies. The dominating part of these activities is directed towards the CLIC accelerator developments.
He holds a professorship at University of Oslo and have had a leading roles in the ATLAS experiment construction in the period 1999-2008. He was leader of the CERN Council Strategy Secretariat in the period 2008-2010, being responsible for the follow up and Implementation of the European Strategy for Particle Physics, before moving on to Linear Collider activities in 2010-11.