报告题目:Medium modification of jet fragmentation in quark-gluon plasma
报 告 人:Che Ming Ko(Texas A&M University)
For jets produced in relativistic heavy ion collisions, the presence of the quark-gluon plasma formed in the collisions affects not only their energies but also their hadronization. We have studied the latter by treating the jet as a shower of partons, which are then converted to hadrons via recombination of shower partons among themselves as well as with the thermal partons in the quark-gluon plasma. Using the shower partons obtained from the PYTHIA Monte Carlo generator, we have found that the hadron spectra from the fragmentation of original jet can be reproduced by a hybrid approach that includes both the recombination of shower partons and the fragmentation of strings constructed from the remnant shower partons left from the recombination. Modeling the quark-gluon plasma produced in heavy ion collisions by a blast wave model, we have further found that including hadron production from the recombination of shower partons with the thermal partons in the quark-gluon plasma leads to an enhancement of more than a factor of two and five in the production of intermediate transverse momentum pions and protons at RHIC and LHC, respectively. Our results thus suggest that medium modification of jet fragmentation provides a plausible explanation for the enhanced production of intermediate transverse momentum hadrons observed in experiments.
B.Sc., Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, 1965
M.Sc., McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1968 Ph.D., State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York, 1973
1973-1974 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, McMaster University 1974-1977 Visiting Scientist, Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics 1977-1978 Research Associate, Michigan State University
1978-1980 Research Associate, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 1980-1984 Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University
1984-1985 Visiting Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Visiting Associate Professor, University of Tennessee 1984-1988 Associate Professor, Texas A&M University
1988-present Professor, Texas A&M University
1996 Fall Visiting Professor, State University of New York at Stony Brook
1994 Fellow, American Physical Society
2004 Association of Texas A&M Former Students Distinguished Research Award 2010 Outstanding Referee, American Physical Society
2012 Excellence in Reviewing, Physics Letters B, Elsevier
1998-2000 Member, Editorial board, Physical Review C, American Institute of Physics 2009-present Associate Editor, Chinese Journal of Physics
Theoretical nuclear and hadronic physics RESEARCH GRANTS: $4,669,356 since 1981 from National Science Foundation,
Department of Energy, Welch Foundation, and Texas Advanced Research Program