钍基核裂变能全国重点实验室 |
熔盐机械工程技术部 |
仪控工程技术部 |
熔盐化学工程技术部 |
材料研究部 |
钍铀循环化学部 |
应用化学技术部 |
氚科学与工程技术部 |
核与辐射安全技术部 |
应用加速器技术部 |
反应堆运行技术部 |
1. Overview about both of the institutes in Aachen and Juelich
2. Recent HTR related activities
3. Some highlights about R&D results related to LWR
报 告 人:Prof. Hans-Josef Allelein(德国于利希研究中心)
Hans-Josef Allelein,
Studying physics at RWTH Aachen University.
-Diploma in 1976
-PhD) in 1980
Professional career:
-Industry 1980 ~ 1986
-Design/construction and operation of a test to measure emissiveity coefficients
-Participating in the fuel concept and fission products retention of the HTR Mudul
-Technical support organization (GRS) 1987 – 2008
-Research management for nuclear safety
-Responsible manager for development and validation of severe accident LWR codes
-Since 2008 up to now, in parallel
-Chair of the institute for reactor safety and technology at RWTH Aachen University
-One of the directors of the institute for energy and climate research (IEK-6) at the research center Juelich
-Social Business
-Participating in EC|IAEA and OECD activities as German representative
-Member of the German Reactor Safety Commission