学术报告:Mass dependence of the directed flow in intermediate heavy ion collisions等

报告题目:Mass dependence of the directed flow in intermediate heavy ion collisions
报 告  人:Roy Wada(中国科学院兰州近代物理研究所)
The directed (transverse) flow extracted from an experiment of 40Ca+40Ca at 35 MeV/nucleon show a mass dependence and the results are compared with CoMD events. (CoMD is used because many events are needed to make good comparisons.)   The detail method of the flow extraction is discussed. The simulation results are discussed within the simple Monte Carlo model to clarify the mechanism of the mass dependent flow.
报告题目:The end of the Big bang model
报 告  人:Roy Wada(中国科学院兰州近代物理研究所)
This talk is “an amateur’s talk” for the Big bang model, given to graduate students.  I discuss the methods used to establish the Hubble diagram and the consequences of the Big bang model to understand the universe. My point is that the Big bang model is a very attractive model to explain the origin of the universe, but it does not build on the solid known physics. Many beautiful pictures of galaxy collisions taken by the Hubble space telescope may declare the end of the Big bang model, because, in my opinion, these collisions only happen in a steady-state or contracting universe, but not in an expanding universe.
In the last 30 years I have been working on the intermediate heavy ion collisions, focusing on the reaction dynamics and the nature of the hot nuclear matter in experiments and simulations. In the experiments these were characterized by the temperature and density (or size of the emitting system) measurements. In the theoretical study, transport models, especially AMD, have been used. In IMP since 2011 we start to study the nature of the light exotic nuclei, especially focusing on the neutron density distribution of these nuclei in experiments and in Glauber modeling.