学术报告:Development of the PERMCAT system at TLK; overview of the TLK infrastructure

报告题目:Development of the PERMCAT system at TLK; overview of the TLK infrastructure

人:Mr. Stefan Welte (Engineer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)




Current position

Engineer, Tritium Laboratory, Institute for Technical Physics

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

-Deputy Radiation Protection Officer, since 2005;

-Deputy Section Leader Tritium Processing, since 2010;

-Section Leader Tritium Processing, since 2014;

Research experience:

-Planning and execution of campaigns to enrich tritium from a diluted hydrogen fraction, to 99% tritium concentration, with batch sizes of up to 1.2 mol at the TLK using a displacement gas chromatographic isotope separation system;

-Construction, assembly supervision and commissioning for the TRENTA and ENCAT water detritiation and cryogenic distillation experiments;

-Layout design, construction and commissioning of several different mechanical designs of PERMCAT type membrane reactors;

-Scheduling, assembly supervision and commissioning for the adaptation of the isotope separation system of the TLK to the KATRIN experiment;

-Design layout, assembly supervision and commissioning of hydrogen permeators for the CAPER plasma exhaust cleanup process and a water detritiation system;


2008 - 2010 Master, Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, Germany

1994 - 1999 Bachelor, Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany


1.S. Welte, I. Cristescu, H. Dittrich, N. Lohr, C. Melzer, R. Michling, C. Plusczyk, P. Schaefer, Setup and commissioning of a combined water detritiation and isotope separation experiment at the Tritium Laboratory Karlsruhe, Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 88, Issues 9–10, October 2013, Pages 2251-2254

2.S. Welte, D. Demange, R. Wagner, N. Gramlich, Development of a technical scale PERMCAT reactor for processing of highly tritiated water, Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 87, Issues 7–8, August 2012, Pages 1045-1049

3.S. Welte, D. Demange, R. Wagner, Characterisation of a multitube PERMCAT reactor in view of a technical facility for highly tritiated water processing at the Tritium Laboratory Karlsruhe, Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 86, Issues 9–11, October 2011, Pages 2237-2240

4.S. Welte, D. Demange, R. Wagner, Mechanical design and first experimental results of an upgraded technical PERMCAT reactor for tritium recovery in the fuel cycle of a fusion machine. Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 85, Issues 7-9, December 2010, Pages 1320-1325

5.S. Welte, G. Ana, I. Cristescu, L. Dörr, B. Kuntz, J. Konrad, R. Michling. Construction and commissioning of an ITER sized Pd/Ag permeator for a water detritiation experiment. Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 84, Issues 7-11, June 2009, Pages 1969-1972