学术报告:Recent Developments on Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy at Canadian Light Source
报告题目:Recent Developments on Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy at Canadian Light Source 报 告 人:Dr. Jian Wang(Canadian Light Source, Canada) 报告时间:4月13日上午9:30 报告地点:张江科研楼503会议室
报告简介: The scanning transmission X-ray microscope (STXM) at the soft X-ray Spectromicroscopy (SM) beamline of the Canadian Light Source (covering 130 - 2700 eV) images the morphology/structure, quantitative distributions (maps) of chemical components in 2D/3D, molecular orientation, as well as obtains electronic structure of the materials via the spatially-resolved near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy, for a wide range of samples from the fields of materials sciences, environmental/earth sciences, and life sciences at high spatial resolution (sub 30 nm), high spectral resolution (<0.05 eV) and in variable sample environments. In this seminar, first the principles and experimental details of STXM will be briefly discussed, and selected examples will be presented to illustrate the application of CLS STXM for a wide photon energy range from sub 200 up to 2500 eV in materials and environmental sciences. For the second part of this seminar, recent STXM instrumentation developments will be discussed with focus on STXM-Ptychography to achieve the highest spatial resolution, and the development of a new Cryo-STXM endstation at CLS. Other instrumentation developments/applications such as electrochemistry, in situ catalysis, XRF-STXM, in vivo STXM-Tomography will be briefly discussed.
报告人简介: Dr. Jian Wang is an acting Staff Scientist at the soft X-ray Spectro-Microscopy (SM) Beamline of the Canadian Light Source (CLS), and he is an Adjunct Professor with the Department of Chemistry at the University of Saskatchewan. He obtained his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from McMaster University in Canada in 2008. After the following postdoctoral work resident in the Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA, he joined CLS SM Beamline as a Research Associate in 2009. He was an acting Beamline Scientist and in charge of the SM beamline in 2010, part of 2011, and since 2014. His research is focused on materials analysis and instrumentation developments by STXM, X-PEEM and XANES spectroscopy with more than 70 publications, among them including Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Energy & Environmental Science, JACS etc. Under his leadership the CLS SM beamline has evolved as a world leading STXM beamline in applications and instrumentation developments.