报告题目:Electron, proton and water transfer along the catalytic cycle of the Photosystem II
报 告 人:Daniele Narzi (Research fellow, Universityof L’Aquila)
报告时间: 2015年4月23日(周四)上午10:00--11:30
Dr. Daniele Narzi, Dr. Rer. Nat., now is a research fellow in the Department of of Physical and Chemical Sciences at University of L’Aquila (Italy) in the group of Computational Biophysics, Biochemistry and Chemistryof Prof. Leonardo Guidoni. He got his M Sc in Chemistry in 2004 at University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy). In 2005 he worked in the group of Prof. Alfredo Di Nola studying the protein folding mechanisms by molecular dynamics simulations. He got his PhD at University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany)under the supervision of Prof.Rainer A. Böckmannin 2011 with a thesis on the dynamics and the protonation state characterization of Major Histocompatibility Complex molecules and thioredoxins. Currently Dr. Daniele Narziis involved in the study of photosynthetic proteins by means of classical and ab initiomolecular dynamics simulations.
Water oxidation in photosynthetic organisms occurs through the five intermediate steps S0–S4 of theKok cycle in the oxygen evolving complex of Photosystem II (PSII). Along the catalytic cycle, four electrons are subsequently removed from the Mn4CaO5core by the nearby tyrosine Tyr-Z, which is in turn oxidized by the chlorophyll special pair P680, the photo-induced primary donor in PSII. Recently, two Mn4CaO5 conformations, consistent with the S2state (namely, S2Aand S2Bmodels) were suggested to exist,perhaps playing a different role within the S2-to-S3transition. Here we report multiscale ab initiodensity functional theory plus U simulations revealing that upon such oxidation the relative thermodynamic stability of the two previously proposed geometries is reversed, the S2Bstate becoming the leading conformation. In this latter state a proton coupled electron transfer is spontaneously observed at ∼100 fsat room temperature dynamics. Upon oxidation, the Mn cluster, which is tightly electronically coupled along dynamics to the Tyr-Z tyrosyl group, releases aproton from the nearby W1 water molecule to the close Asp-61 on the femtosecond timescale, thus undergoing a conformational transition increasing the available space for the subsequent coordination of an additional water molecule. The results can help to rationalize previous spectroscopic experiments and confirm that the water-splitting reaction has to proceed through the S2Bconformation.