学术报告:Decarbonization via HTR/TMSR/Wind/Solar Synergy

报告题目:Decarbonization via HTR/TMSR/Wind/Solar Synergy.

报 告 人:钟赐贤教授(北京大学工学院及中山大学中法核工程学院客座教授)




On 8 June 2015, Chancellor Merkel pronounced that G7 leaders had committed to “decarbonize the global economy in the course of this century”. This seemingly noble goal declared by the leaders of developed world is actually a subtle conspiracy to shift the burden of carbon emission reduction from developed world to the developing world. The G7 leaders offer no solution or pathway to the fabled carbon-free world. Being the largest carbon emitter and the undisputed leader of the developing world, China should seize upon this opportunity to take the lead to tackle this “mission impossible” challenge. I propose a pathway of integrating the China-unique HTR and TMSR inherently safe nuclear technologies in synergy with low-cost renewables such as solar, wind and hydro power to transition to a sustainable hydrogen economy by 2100.