钍基核裂变能全国重点实验室 |
熔盐机械工程技术部 |
仪控工程技术部 |
熔盐化学工程技术部 |
材料研究部 |
钍铀循环化学部 |
应用化学技术部 |
氚科学与工程技术部 |
核与辐射安全技术部 |
应用加速器技术部 |
反应堆运行技术部 |
报告题目: 1) 铀酰膦酸盐化合物的配位化学研究以及MOF多孔材料在铀吸附的潜在应用
2) 全金属芳香性团簇化合物的合成、结构及(稀土)金属-金属键作用研究
报 告 人: 孙忠明研究员(中国科学院长春应用化学研究所)
1)Synthesis, crystal structure and properties of Uranium phosphonates
In recent years, the chemistry of actinide-bearing hybrid materials has become more and more seductive in consideration of their importance in nuclear waste management and separation processes. Uranium phosphonates, an important subclass of actinide hybrids, exhibit an exceptionally diverse and broad range of chemical compositions and crystal structures as well as important physicochemical properties.
In this talk I will represent our recent work in isolation of novel uranium phosphonates by utilizing a series of flexible and rigid phosphonate ligands with modified functional groups. The effective strategies that involve adding structure directing agents, auxiliary N-donor ligands and heterometallic species have been adopted. Except for the intriguing crystal structures, various properties including ion exchange, photoluminescence, photocatalysis of synthesized materials will be discussed. Finally, some uranium absorbent materials based on MOFs will be illustrated.
2)Synthesis and electronic structures of all-metal aromatic clusters
Since the concept of aromaticity was proposed after the structure confirmation of benzene 150 years ago, this theory has been fully extended from organic molecules to small inorganic and all-metal clusters. Critical revisions in the theoretical methods to assess the aromaticity/antiaromaticity of these compounds has also been proposed and clarified by many experimental and theoretical chemists.
In this presentation, I will briefly introduce the development of all-metal aromaticity and then show some examples that can be well explained by this theory. In the following time, I will show my recent work toward the synthesis, crystal structure and electronic structures of new all-metal clusters we have obtained.
报告人简介: 孙忠明.pdf