报告题目: Nuclear fuel reprocessing and its Waste treatments at Hanford
报告人: 刘重庆 教授(中国科学技术大学)
刘重庆(Chung-King Liu)
Ph.D., Nuclear Chemistry, University of Arkansas
M.S., Biochemistry, Kansas State College of Pittsburg
B.S., Biology, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
Chung-King Liu has a broad background in practical applications of nuclear/ radio chemistry and engineering, including: nuclear fuel cycle and high level waste treatment RD&D; nuclear waste processing, nuclear waste retrieval, and tank closure activities; probability risk assessment (PRA) and its use in NRC; radioactive materials processing; radiation effects; materials and environmental testing/engineering; radiological safety; decontamination and decommissioning of nuclear facilities and sites; remediation of radioactively contaminated sites; environmental restoration; project management, chemical process safety management; nuclear standards development; criticality; technical information exchange; technology transfer to developing countries; recycle and reuse of mildly radioactive materials; and quality programs and assessments. He has excellent organizational, interpersonal, and communication skills, and works well with people from very diverse backgrounds. During his professional career, he has had extensive experience in writing and reviewing technical reports, procedures, proposals, and other documents; working in international groups/organizations; effectively organizing and conducting meetings and peer reviews; developing consensus standards; implementing/managing scientific and quality assurance (QA) programs, and conducting technical/QA reviews, surveillances, and audits; managing scientific and engineering staff, contractors, and consultants; interacting with government sponsors and regulatory groups; and performing a wide range of program/project management.
Committee Membership
Member of American National Standard Institute (N41.5) on "Validation of Data Radioassays".
Member of work group 5 for the "National Handbook of Recommended Methods for Water-Data Acquisition." This committee is sponsored by several U.S. government agencies concerned with water quality.
Member of U.S. EPA revision steering committee on the "U.S. EPA Laboratory Certification Manual".
Member of American National Standard Institute (N42.2) on "Measurement Quality Assurance for Environmental Sample Radioassays".
Member of part 700 of "Standard Method for the Examination of Water and Waste Water (17th edition)".
Certificates and licenses
Certified QA Lead Auditor in accordance with the requirements of NQA-1 (1995);
Certified QA Auditor in accordance with the requirements of NQA-1 (1994);
Associate Member in the American Academy of Health Physics by passing Part I of American Board of Health Physics Certification Examination (1996).