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报告题目:Hadron p_T Spectra in High-Energy pp Collisions at LHC Energies
报 告 人:Cheuk-Yin Wong(Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US)
Transverse momentum distribution of jets and hadrons provide useful information on the collision mechanisms and their subsequent dynamics. In collisions at LHC energies, the hadron spectra from the lowest to the highest $p_T$ in high-energy pp collisions at central rapidity can be adequately described by a single Tsallis distribution with only three degrees of freedom. Such simplicity suggests the dominance of the relativistic hard-scattering process over the measured pT domain in pp collisions at LHC energies. We shall explore the implications of such a result on the role of the competing flux-tube fragmentation process and on the initial conditions for the occurrence of the near-side ridge in pp collisions.
Cheuk-Yin Wong was born in China, grew up in Hong Kong, and studied at Princeton University, where he received his Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. degrees in physics under Prof. John Wheeler. He has been working at Oak Ridge National Laboratory since leaving Princeton, with sabatical leaves at Niels Bohr Institute, M.I.T., and the University of Tokyo. He was a former Chairman of the Overseas Chinese Physics Association and the author of "Introduction to High Energy heavy-Ion Collisions".