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任洋教授是美国阿贡国家实验室先进光源高能X射线衍射线站的首席科学家,同时还是一名优秀的物理学家,凭借其深厚的学术功底与先进的表征手段在诸多高水平杂志(如NATURE, SCIENCE, PRL等)上发表多篇论文,其主要研究方向如下:
(1) Instrument development and operation of high-energy synchrotron x-ray scattering facility;
(2) Instrument development and operation of neutron scattering facility;
(3) Applications of neutron and synchrotron X-ray scatterings in materials research, including structural and magnetic phase transitions, correlations between lattice and spin, orbital and charge degrees of freedoms of condensed matter, static and dynamic properties of solids and nano-scale materials;
(4) Studies of the magnetic, electric, optical and thermal properties of materials;
(5) Synthesis, crystal growth and characterization of inorganic materials and alloys;
(6) Software development for analysis of neutron and x-ray scattering data;
(7) Theoretical modelling of magnetic systems;
(8) Structural determinations of modulated structures using the super-space group descriptions.