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报 告 人:李宏义(北京医院心内科主任医师)
Longitudinal non-vascular transport pathways originating from an acupuncture point of humans were visualized by MRI. These longitudinal pathways constitute two types of pathways: a cutaneous transport pathway and a perivascular transport pathways. However, their anatomical and histological structures remain unclear. Recently, we explored these specific pathways in human amputee subjects and testified that both the cutaneous and perivascular pathways are composed of an oriented fibrous connective tissue. The intrinsic architecture of those fibrous connective tissues is a three-dimensional meshwork of longitudinally running and interconnected fibril bundles embedded in tissue gel. Between each solid fibril bundle and its surrounding biological hydrogel, an interfacial zone would form physically and fluid can flow, exhibiting a long-distance macroscopic fluid transportation. Through the interfacial zones of these fibrous pathways, named “a biotic interfacial transport pathway (BIFT pathway)”, it is likely in animals that fluids within fibrous matrix in any tissues or organs are not fixed within “tissue gel” but driven towards designed destinations via various as yet unidentified physical mechanisms. The rheology of fluid in the interstitial spaces of skin and perivascular spaces or even other fibrous tissues should be reevaluated in terms of considering fluid transport through the interfacial zones within the gel-like fibrous connective tissues. Most importantly, fluid transport mechanisms through the oriented fibrous connective tissues require further research attentions in fields of an interdisciplinary science.
李宏义,男,北京医院心内科主任医师,北京大学医学院副教授。1996年毕业于中山医科大学, 2003年毕业于中国医学科学院、北京协和医院,获心血管硕士学位。2013年受聘于国家纳米科学中心客座研究员。以“心血管内科学、心血管磁共振影像学”为主要研究方向,研究一类由纤维结缔组织所构成的流体循环体系,及与此相关的疾病发病机制和治疗。在心内科领域,包括:动静脉斑块的产生机制、血栓的发生机制、心肌病的发病机制和磁共振成像技术、心衰的病理生理机制等。
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