报告题目:Phase-space trajectories in modeling the evolution of complex quantum systems
报 告 人:M. I. Krivoruchenko(Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Russia)
Deformation quantization offers an effective technique for describing the time evolution of complex quantum systems. A special role is attributed to phase-space trajectories which are the Weyl symbols of operators of the canonical coordinates and momenta in the Heisenberg picture. The evolution equations for these trajectories, also known as the Moyal trajectories, are infinite-order partial differential equations. In the semiclassical expansion these equations turn to a finite system of fist-order ordinary differential equations in an extended phase space. We show how the scattering cross sections in collisions of atoms, molecules and nuclei are calculated in terms of the Moyal trajectories.
•Born on the 8 December 1957, Town of Salsk, Rostov Region, USSR
•1981 March - 1984 June: Postgraduate student at the Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics in Moscow.
•1975 September - 1981 March: Student of the Moscow Engineering Physical Institute.
•2015 December: Doctor of Science in Theoretical Physics.
•1985 January: Philosophy Doctor in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics.
• Published more than 100 papers in refereed journals.
•2012 year: 1-st Prize in Theoretical Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna (Russia) for works in the field of neutrinoless double-beta decay and double-electron capture.
•2011 year: 2-nd Prize in Theoretical Physics of the Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics in Moscow for works in the field of neutrinoless double-electron capture.
•Present (since 1989 March): Senior Researcher at the Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics in Moscow.
•Present (since 2014 September): Senior Researcher at the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR, Dubna.
•Present (since 2010 January): Lecturer at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Course in Elementary Particle Physics.
•1998 September - 2008 November: Medium-term research positions at the Institute for Theoretical Physics of University of Tübingen.
•1995 February - 1996 February: Humboldt fellow at the Institute for Theoretical Physics of University of Tübingen.
•1990 November - 1991 November: Research fellowship in Physics Department of the University of Genova.
•1984 June: Received permanent position at Theory Division of the Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics in Moscow.