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报告题目:Computer Simulations of Uranium Extraction from Seawater
报 告 人:De-en Jiang(Department of Chemistry,University of California, Riverside)
Associate Professor with Tenure
Department of Chemistry
Room 136 - Chemical Sciences Building
University of California, Riverside, CA 92521
Career Highlights
• Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers
• 196 peer-reviewed publications: JACS (15), Angew. Chem. (6), Nano Lett. (4), ACS Nano (3), Nature Comm. (2)
• H-index 54; 8823 total citations (from Google Scholar; accessed 9 June 2017)
• Chair and organizers for 17 meeting and symposia on materials and energy
• Lead editor of a Wiley book (488 pages): “Graphene Chemistry: Theoretical Perspectives”
• 138 invited conference talks and seminars
• Peking University, Beijing, China, B.S., 1997, Chemistry
• Peking University, Beijing, China, M.S., 2000, Physical Chemistry
o Advisor: Prof. Youchang Xie (now emeritus)
• University of California, Los Angeles, Ph.D., 2005, Physical Chemistry
o Advisor: Prof. Emily Carter (now at Princeton University)
• Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Postdoctoral, 2006
o Advisors: Dr. Sheng Dai and Dr. Bobby Sumpter
Research and Professional Experience
• 2017- Associate Professor with Tenure, Department of Chemistry, UC Riverside
• 2014-2017 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, UC Riverside
• 2006-2014 Research Staff, Chemical Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
• 2005-2006 Postdoctoral Research Associate, ORNL
• 2004-2005 Visiting Student Research Collaborator, Princeton University
• 2000-2004 Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant, UCLA
• 1997-2000 Research Assistant, Peking University
Honors and Awards
• Kavli Fellow, National Academy of Sciences, 2012
• Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), 2010
• ORNL Early Career Award for scientific achievements, 2009
• George Gregory Research Award, UCLA, 2004