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报告题目:Engineering for Life Sciences:From supramolecular DNA-protein constructs to machine-assisted biotechnology
报 告 人:Christof M. Niemeyer Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Biological Interfaces (IBG-1)
The interaction of engineering and life sciences has a long history and one of the most important aspects of this fruitful collaboration regards the functional interfacing of technical systems with biological specimens. We are developing tailored biointerfaces by using `DNA surface technology’, taking advantage of DNA biochips that can be functionalized through specific Watson-Crick hybridization to facilitate the self-assembly of complex surface architectures bearing bioactive components. Essential approaches include surface chemistry, (bio)orthogonal coupling strategies for site-selective protein modification as well as concepts from ‘structural DNA nanotechnology’. These ‘bottom-up’ methods are complemented with ‘top-down’ fabrication processes, such as polymer pen lithography and microfluidics, to develop instrumentation and devices for the analysis of cellular systems and the establishment of biotechnological processes. I will present recent case studies from our work concerning the development of multiscale systems for biocatalytic cascade reactions and the investigation of cellular adhesion and signaling.
Further reading
• Niemeyer, C. M. (2017) Engineering for Life Sciences: A Fruitful Collaboration Enabled by Chemistry (Editorial). Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 56, 1934-1935.
• Meyer, R., Giselbrecht, S., Rapp, B. E., Hirtz, M., Niemeyer, C. M. (2014) Advances in DNA-directed immobilization. Curr Opin Chem Biol 18C, 8-15
• Angelin, A., Weigel, S., Garrecht, R., Meyer, R., Bauer, J., Kumar, R. K., Hirtz, M., Niemeyer, C. M. (2015) Multiscale Origami Structures as Interface for Cells. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 54, 15813-15817
• Rabe, K. S., Muller, J., Skoupi, M., Niemeyer, C. M. (2017) Cascades in Compartments: En Route to Machine-Assisted Biotechnology. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 56, 13574-13589.
• Peschke, T., Skoupi, M., Burgahn, T., Gallus, S., Ahmed, I., Rabe, K. S., Niemeyer, C. M. (2017) Self-Immobilizing Fusion Enzymes for Compartmentalized Biocatalysis. ACS Catalysis 7, 7866-7872