Jiangyong Jia:
? 1992 - 1997: University of Sci. & Tech. of China
Bachelor of Arts in Physics
? 1997 - 2002: State University of New York at Stony Brook.
Master of Science in Physics
? 2002 - 2003: State University of New York at Stony Brook.
Doctor of Philosophy in Physics
Dissertation Title:
High-pT Charged Hadron Suppression in Au+Au Collisions at snn = 200 GeV
Dissertation Data: August 19, 2003
Professional Experience
Professor at Stony Brook University. Since Sep. 2017
Associate Professor at Stony Brook University. Sep. 2012 - Sept. 2017.
Assistant Professor at Stony Brook University. Sep. 2006 - 2012.
Joint physicist at Brookhaven National Laboratories. Sep. 2006 - present.
Post-doctoral research fellow, Columbia University Sep. 2003 - Sep. 2006
Service to profession:
? Memeber, International organizing committee for Quark Matter 2018 conference.
? Organizing committee for the 5th conference on Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP2017)
? Memeber, International organizing committee for Quark Matter 2017 conference.
? Organizing committee for RBRC workshop on Opportunities for Exploring Longitudinal Dynamics in Heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC, 2016. https://www.bnl.gov/oeld2016
? Organizing committee for RBRC workshop on Collectivity in Small Colliding Systems with High Multiplicity, 2015. http://www.bnl.gov/cscs2015/
? Co-author of Hot-QCD white paper, 2015
? Co-convener of heavy-ion physics working group in ATLAS Collaboration, 2014- 2016
? Organizing committee for Hot Quarks international conference, since 2013
? International organizing committee on the ATHIC 2014 conference
? Organizing committee for “Workshop on Jet Quenching at RHIC vs LHC in Light of Recent dAu vs pPb Controls” http://www.bnl.gov/jqr2013/
? Local organizing committee for Quark Matter 2012 conference
? Co-convener of Photon physics working group in PHENIX Collaboration, Dec. 2009 - Jan 2011
? Co-organizer of “Recent Advances and Future Directions in Modern Nuclear Sci- ence: Graduate Student Research”, The 238th ACS National Meeting, Washing- ton, DC, August 16-20, 2009.
? Co-organizer of “Frontiers of Nuclear Chemistry Research: Graduate Student Research”, 236 ACS National Meeting Aug. 2008.
? Co-organizer of “Symposium in Honor of the Scientific Career of John M. Alexan- der”, 236 ACS National Meeting Aug. 2008.
? Co-organizer of “Frontiers of Basic and Applied Nuclear Science”, 235 ACS Na- tional Meeting April 2008.
? Co-convener of International Symposium of Multi-particle Dynamics, Aug 2007.
? Co-convener of Hard physics working group in PHENIX Collaboration, Jul. 2004 - Jan. 2007