In particular I will show the connections between these observations and neutron star modelling, as well as the constraints that such signal gives to the nuclear equation of state.
The present status of the nuclear equation of state will be also reviewed. I will show that the collective effort of the nuclear physics community with both important advances on ab-initio calculations and new selective experiments on isovector properties, allows today to predict astrophysical observables from neutron stars and neutron star mergers with reliable error bars. Different strategies to further progress on the quantitative understanding of the gravitational wave signal will be outlined.
From: T.Piran, E. Nakar and S. Rosswog, MNRAS 430, 2121 (2013)
Curriculum Vitae
? September 2010 : First Class Professor at the University of Caen-Basse Normandie (France)
? May 2007-May 2010 : Associate Professor to the De?partement de Sciences et Ge?nie de l’Universite? Laval (Canada).
? Octobre 2006: Professor in Physics (29e?me section CNU) at the University of Caen-Basse Normandie (France)
? September 2003 : Habilitation a? Diriger des Recherches from the University of Caen (France)
? August 2003 : nomination at the ? Institut Universitaire de France ?
? October 1994 : nomination as Mai?tre de Confe?rences (Assistant professor) at the University of Caen (France)
? January-September 1994 : Post-Doctoral scholarship in theoretical physics at Grenoble (France) (Human Capital and Mobility UE contract )
? January-December 1993 : Post-Doctoral scholarship in theoretical physics in Giessen(Germany) (INFN contract)
? December 1992 : Dottorato di Ricerca (PhD thesis) in physics at the University of Milano (Italy)
Research keywords
Theoretical nuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics, compact stars, nuclear matter, density functional theory, hypernuclei, statistical mechanics of phase transitions, statistical models, analysis and interpretation of fragmentation data, nuclear reactions, transport models
Scientific results:
? 159 publications published or accepted for publication in refereed international journals, including : 2 revue articles (Physics Reports et Annales de Physique) and 5 scientific books chapters ( source : Web of Science)
? 2714 citations, H-index 26 (source: Web of Science)
? 65 seminars in international conferences, including 43 invited seminars (21 since 2010)
? 16 series of invited lectures in different summer schools and doctoral schools (8 since 2010)
? (Co)organizer of 17 international conferences or workshops (7 since 2010)
? Co-editor of the whitebook ? Dynamics and Thermodynamics with nuclear degrees of freedom ?, Springer (2006)
Supervising experience :
? 9 Master thesis (2 since 2010)
? 7 PhD thesis in co-direction (3 since 2010)
? 4 PhD thesis as a single director (4 since 2010)
? Jury member of 34 PhD thesis (25 since 2010) and 5 Habilitation thesis defense (5 since 2010)
Awards, responsabilities :
? Member of the Institut Universitaire de France 2003-2008
? Prize Hurmuzescu, Roumanian Academy, 2012
? Prize Joliot –Curie of the nuclear and particle physics division of the French physical society (SFP, 2008)
? Head of the Master Program in Physics of the University of Caen, France
? French Coordinator of the ERASMUS+ Joint Master Program on Nuclear Physics, 2017-2020.
? Chair of the Gordon Research Conference on Nuclear Chemistry, 2011.
? Vice-Chair of the Gordon Research Conference on Nuclear Chemistry, 2009.
? Participation to the scientific committee of 10 international conferences (6 since 2010)