The development, processing and functionality of metals and alloys is a fine-tune between atomic structure, microstructure and mechanical properties of a final product. In-situ neutron and synchrotron X-ray diffraction deliver unique and complementary insight into the microstructural evolution of metals under various conditions, such as at high or low temperature, pressure and plastic deformation. Neutrons illuminate a larger bulk volume and reveal quantitative phase abundance, bulk texture, lattice parameter changes and other ensemble averaged quantities. Scattering contrasts complementary to X-rays can reveal atomic disorder in ordered intermetallics, particularly titanium alloys, while the dynamical theory of diffraction has been employed to study their defect kinetics at very high temperature. In contrast, fine-bundled high-energy X-rays deliver reflections from a number of individual grains. For each constituting phase, their statistics and behavior in time reveal information about grain growth or refinement, subgrain formation, static and dynamic recovery and recrystallization, slip systems, twinning, etc. A review on example systems is given, particularly focusing on synchrotron X-ray diffraction with an outlook or in complementarity with neutron diffraction. Discussion shall be initiated to study materials with upcoming sources and other opportunities in China.
Biography of the Speaker https://cn.linkedin.com/in/kdliss/en
Klaus-Dieter Liss is Technion Full Professor at the Guangdong Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, where he is building up the M-QuBS: Materials and Quantum Beam Science - China Center of Excellence. The research exploits state-of-the-art large user neutron and synchrotron facilities to study structural changes of materials in-situ and in real time, such as metals undergoing thermo-mechanical processing and functional materials on short and ultra-short time scales. Teaching and education is to Technion standards. Professor
Klaus–Dieter Liss是国际著名的中子衍射和同步辐射实验科学家,现任澳大利亚核科学技术组织布拉格研究所高级研究员(长期固定职位),中子衍射线站的首席科学家,中子衍射团队负责人,澳大利亚中子源实验线站顾问委员会委员,负责了澳大利亚中子源实验线站设计及其未来的升级发展,拥有中子衍射和同步辐射实验领域长达27年的研究经验,擅长利用中子衍射和同步辐射对材料结构进行精细研究和分析,成功负责了多达90个左右的中子衍射实验研究项目,并拥有该领域众多的重要成果。已发表国际学术期刊论文 80余篇,多次应邀在重要国际会议上做大会报告(Keynote),担任国际学术期刊《Textures, Stress and Microstructures》Co-editor,担任国际学术期刊《Advanced Engineering Materials》编委。